Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I've been both busy and unusually crippled lately - you'd think the crippled part at least would lead to more blog posts, wouldn't you!

But no, it actually leads to me lying on the sofa and occasionally whimpering pathetically to Mr Flower to get me something out of reach, usually while playing far too much Final Fantasy.

Now that I'm comparatively back on my feet, though, we're back to blogging!

Or at least to pointing out other people's blogs.

Today's entry is actually a link to the fabulous Cognitive Daily, who are discussing How Not to Write a Science Book. They've come up with a very handy numbered list of all the things you really shouldn't do if you want anyone to take you seriously. In my job, I don't usually have to read pop-sci for anything other than general information, but I've still come across my share of biased, poorly researched, and sensational pieces of crap. It's nice to see someone else pointing out the things that irritate the living crap out of me as well!

One thing I'd add to their list of pet hates is 'Plummet writing'. I'm sure you know the type - my descriptor comes from watching too many aeroplane disastershows where the plane 'plummets from the sky in a spiralling shower of death!'. Too often, in the alternative medicine field, I end up reading 'scientific' books about how X nutrient is NECESSARY FOR ALL LIFE, or will CURE ALL DISEASES, or worse, MEDICINE IS KILLING YOUR CHILD.

I'm not fond of sensationalism at the best of times, and I despise fear-mongering, so you can well imagine my opinion of these.

*grins* Anyone who can't, comment, and I'll treat you to the extended rant sometime.


Nevor said...

But... but fear-mongering is the American way!

Oh, wait a second...

Stealthflower said...


It seems to be common just about everywhere. It still irritates the living crap out of me.