Sunday, March 18, 2007

Weighty matters

Time for Stealthflower's award for pointing out the blindingly obvious.
Today's imaginary trophy goes to the Canadian researchers who compared the nutrient intake between obese and non-obese kids and teens. They carefully quantifying the differences between the two groups in their methods, then discovered in their results that there was a statistically significance between the two groups in both weight AND Body Mass Index!

No, really?

It actually is both interesting and useful to compare the nturitional and vitamin intakes of the two groups, but do you really need to experiment to find that fat kids are fatter than non-fat kids?

Someone I work with has been known to say that common sense has to step in at some point. I'm still waiting for that point to arrive, me.

For the curious or pedantic, the study is: Gillis L & Gillis A. Nutrient inadequacy in obese and non-obese youth. Can J Diet Prac Res 2005;66(4)237-42. Pubmed abstract can be found here.

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