Sunday, March 18, 2007

You'll get what you asked for, and you'll bloody like it!

I just got a call from another department. A lot of what I do here involves helping out the front like staff by either dealing with escalated cases, or advising the reps directly. So, in this case, I got a call from a rep asking for some advice. In this situation, a customer had some issues with a PDA. Errors when they hooked it up to their computer and what-not. So, the customer got some instructions mailed to him, instructing him on what to do. According the the rep, he didn't follow the instructions, instead going off and doing something completely different, and then called back for more help.


"The fuck?" I say.

So this guy had asked for help, ignored what we sent him, and then had the audacity to call back for more help. I'll be honest, this kind of brutal illogic stalled me for a bit. I blinked for a second, audibly, before telling the rep that if this customer wished for our assistance, then he was required to actually attempt the solutions we provide before asking for additional help. Worded slightly more sardonically.

I mean for fuck's sake. How does it make sense to ask for assistance or a solution, and then to ignore what was provided? And worse - then call back for "more" assistance? This is what happens when you design devices and services to be used by idiots.

Oh, and I'll write a self-effacing introductory post in the near future. You lucky, lucky fucks.


Stealthflower said...

Errr... why on earth didn't you blast the lowly techie who thought he'd get any other answer from you than the one he got?

Nat said...

More interested in siccing her onto the customer, in all honesty.

Stealthflower said...

Was she suitably sic'd?